When Typography Meets Art…

I love typography and I love art. But when the two meet, beautiful things happen. Here are some of the most creative uses of typography I’ve ever seen.

Typography 101

Typography, besides being one of my all-time favourite subjects, is a huge part of design. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that if you know how to use type correctly, you know how to design. That is why I put together this short guide covering some of the most important principles in typography -…… Continue reading Typography 101

A Post About Zines

Zines have only been on my radar for a few months but they are no new thing. According to this Mental Floss article, zines have been around since the 1930’s. I had no idea. But I won’t go into the whole history of zines here – I just want to take a moment to talk…… Continue reading A Post About Zines

Bookmark These Websites

Next time you are in need of some creative inspiration – and you and I both know that time will come – these websites (and perhaps another espresso) will give you your fix. Design Crush Design Crush is a blog authored by designer Kelly Beall and has everything from illustration and photography to recipes and…… Continue reading Bookmark These Websites

Categorised as Creativity

Gray Malin at the Parker

I was going to show you these aerial beach photos by photographer Gray Malin when I stumbled across something better. It is a photography series called Gray Malin at the Parker and involves 1) a luxury hotel and 2) wild animals. Why am I sharing this? Because it turns out that these are not Photoshopped,…… Continue reading Gray Malin at the Parker

Categorised as Art

10 Noteworthy Book Cover Designs

They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Obviously I disagree. Here are some clever cover designs that will make you do a double take.